Top 3 Tips to Support a Small Business Owner on Social Media

You probably have friends that run their own small businesses, or you might have one too. Whatever it is that we or others do, we need the help of others.  With everything changing and making contact getting more difficult in a buys society, support has become easier: You just need to reach into your pocket for your phone and you can be supportive!! 
Marketing is key with all businesses and trying to get product or services seen can be a great way to support friends. And if it is you that need the support, why not ask them to return the favour!! I does not cost much, and it can be the start of a great relationship!


support small business

Tips to help and support friends with small businesses:

5 Tips to engage on social media:

  • Follow their social media channels – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn – whatever channels you both use, follow them and ask them to return the favour.
  • Like and comment on posts – a like, a comment, and a great testimonial on any of their posts will help them be seen. Even an emoji helps! If you really want to get into a strategy, you can vow to like their posts for a few weeks in a row, and get the platform’s algorithms to pick up the action.
  • Share posts or tag friends – if you think a post would be of interest to your friends – why not share it or tag them in it?
  • Engage with posts – have they asked a question? Posted a poll? Asked for an opinion? Asked for a picture? Please spare a minute to engage with the post instead of scrolling on by.
  • If you have a website, share a blog – This is a great way to build links and backlinks and improve your SEO. If you are in the same niche, why not share blog posts and articles and get your green traffic moving!

Engagement is key:

The more engagement a post receives, the more likely it is to be seen by prospective customers, algorithms and other users of the same platform. The algorithm looks at your profile and decides what you want to or might want to see. By sharing content, you impact user behaviour and when friends like and share your posts … things start to change. When you share, like and tag others, they are more likely to see the post and pay attention – especially if you share interesting, creative and valuable content. Be aware of what you share, you do not want to offend people and lose followers!

This will increase the potential customers and increase following. This also gives you a great opportunity to hang with people with the same interests and also get to know that long distant cousin better. Find out what they do, share, link and be creative!!

Avoid sending like invites to your whole following, this is a sure way to loose people of interest. Make sure you tag and invite if it is in their interest.


Last but not least, the power or reviews: 

If you do make a purchase – please remember to leave a review. When your customers buy something, ask them for a review!! Reviews help future customers make up their minds and are very helpful.

When you do get a negative review on your site, make sure you answer and address the issue. This is better than just having an ostrich approach and trying to ignore it!! Address the issue and ensure the next customer has a pretty powerful positive experience!